Big slobbery wet kisses and hugs go out to the following folks for their generous support via Kickstarter to help get GEARHEAD No. 20 out! You folks rock! 87 of you came in on the Kickstarter campaign, and while we don't have room to acknowledge everyone, you each helped push Gearhead over the finish line. We couldn't have done it with out you!
Special thanks to the following supporters: The Pit Pass Level: Royce Farrell Nat Peplinski Rumi In The Driver's Seat: Terrence Guerin Aaron Steinle mike gossell Phil Lang Brian Miller Top Fuel Level: Chuck Destruction, Self Destructo Records Jason Selbert Rene Aguirre Rich T., Ohio Tattoo Museum Turbocharged Level: Chris M 300 MPH Club Level: C. Flom / cheaprustjunkie Gerry Cueller, Go Big! Entertainment Checkered Flag is Waving Level: Mel Spinella, Golly Gee Records Funny Car Level: Dean Case (formerly of Mazda Motorsports) Well, we did it! I'm still a little blown away by how awesome reaching my goal to crowdfund the printing of GEARHEAD feels! However, I experienced elation at the good news and then later that same day, panic. When you're doing something creative where you have to rely on others to help bring your dream to life, sometimes shit happens. And there's nothing you can do except move onto Plan B.
As I mentioned before, one of the challenges I might face bringing this project to fruition was finding a reliable designer with the technical skills to help me lay out the magazine and get it ready for printing. It's a pretty specific set of skills, and some of the money raised from Kickstarter was designated to pay that person. I had been working with someone for the last few months, and when I called her to let her know the campaign funded and it was all systems go on the lay out, she quit. Just like that. She said she really didn't feel like doing magazine design and lay out any more and that I needed to find someone else. After a day of freaking out, I did what I always do: I reached out to my community for help. I found someone new this last Friday, Dec. 4, thankfully, so it looks like everything is still on track for a Christmas 2015 release. Whew! Hopefully this is the only blip on the road to production, but just in case something else comes up, I know I have a supportive community around me ready to rally if I call for help. That means a great deal to me, and I"m grateful for the support that comes so readily from the GEARHEAD community. Thank you! Till the next time, keepin' the rubber on the road! xo Rev. Michelle Less than 36% of the campaigns launched in 2015 on Kickstarter fully funded according to Kickstarter's stats page, but thanks to the tremendous support and enthusiasm of the GEARHEAD community, I reached my goal of $3500 and blew past it, raising a total of $4320!
To say I am proud and relieved is an understatement. I feel renewed, inspired and totally excited and very, very grateful! The money raised will be used to print the long-awaited issue #19 of GEARHEAD. Any extra money will be used to pay the lay out artist I have to hire to finish setting the files up for print. Of course Kickstarter takes 5% for their cut, plus 3% for credit card processing. Putting this magazine together, as well as raising the money to print it, has been one of the toughest projects I've ever worked on and I can't wait to share the finish product with those of you who have stood by GEARHEAD during the ups and the downs. Thank you for your support! xoxo Rev. Michelle Previously, I shared how nervous I was to follow in my former partner Mike’s footsteps as editor of GEARHEAD. But I realized it was about finding my voice and putting my own stamp on the magazine, much as any other new editor does. Once I was able to look at it that way, the writing flowed. The tricky part has been figuring out how to put it all together, and of course raising the money to print it. This new issue contains stories I have wanted to write for a long long time, including an article about the Yolo County Demolition Derby, an in-depth interview with Jake from The Lords of Altamont, and a behind the scenes look at the long-running Lady Luck Tattoo Convention. Craig Fitzgerald over at serves up a history of the 60s craze The Zingers! Long time Gearhead supporter Laurent Bagnard is contributing a tribute to the King of Kustomizers, George Barris, who recently passed away. Eva Von Baron contributes a look at the Bay Area music and art scene, and Aime Elkins McCrory shares delectable details about what it was like to be legendary music producer Kim Fowley's assistant. The new mag is stuffed with lots of other cool stuff, so Pledge Now, so I can raise the money to print it and share it with you! I have had no templates to work from, with nothing to guide me except back issues of the mag. But hell, those of you who know me know I am nothing if not determined. I created an entire record label from scratch fifteen years ago, for goodness sakes, and put out over eighty records on a wing and and a prayer. I knew I could certainly figure out how to write, design and lay out a single issue of a magazine! And now, it all comes down to money. You've probably heard I'm running a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the necessary $3500 to print the magazine. It's a chance for you to be a part of the process, so please pledge your support now if you are even the slightest bit curious about this new issue! I personally think it's one of the best but I'm a little biased! Click here to check out the cool gifts you can get when you pledege today! But hurry! The campaign ends 9:30 am PST Monday Dec. 2, 2015. If I don't reach or beat my goal of raising $3500, I DON'T GET A DIME, and you fine folks won't get your magazine. SO PLEDGE TODAY PLEASE! Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the imminent arrival of the long-awaited issue #19 of Gearhead Magazine! It has taken me almost an entire year to get to this point: GEARHEAD is ready to go to print! I imagine this is very much what giving birth is like. Not that I’ve actually done that, but the creative process is similar. Once I decided I was really gonna do this, I had to get my mind and body on the same page. Since I was starting from scratch, and I’ve never actually put a magazine together, months of planning was followed by months of writing and organizing. Finally, the big day came when I knew I was almost ready but the final piece, the financial aspect, had to be dealt with.! Which brings me to this moment: I need your help bringing this baby into the world! Kickstarter To the Rescue! Yes, I’ve launched a Kickstarter Campaign to raise the necessary money to print GEARHEAD. There’s a ton of cool gifts in exchange for your support. First off, this is the only way right now you can reserve a copy of the magazine, which will be a limited edition print run of 2500. Secondly, there are some other cool gifts from some of our friends: a spooky Monster T Shirt from Pheck, and some wicked cool sunglasses from Tres Noir. Browse through the different levels of support; there is sure to be one right for you! Of course the trick with Kickstarter is you have to reach your goal, or you don’t get anything, so please help any way you can, even if it’s just clicking the “share” button on the page and letting your friends know. We have until Dec. 2, 2015 to raise the money, and once we do, this bad boy is heading off to the printers with a goal of being in your mailbox by Christmas! What’s in the new magazine? Click here to read a list of the contents! There are even a few sneak pictures there. I don’t want to reveal too much since I want it to be a surprise, but hopefully it’s enough to whet your appetite and pledge your support! Speaking of contents, you can still buy several of the back issues of Gearhead, but for those of you who never saw the magazine before and dig digital technology, two out of print issues are now available for digital download! It’s a great way to take the magazine with you, much as you would your favorite Gearhead band! Which brings me to the final big piece of news: The Lords of Altamont are heading out on their first US tour in almost ten years, supporting the Rev. Horton Heat. Click here for the dates, and if they’re coming to your city, GO! They put on a great show, and who knows when they’ll decide to do this again?! Thank you all for your continued support. To finally be at this point with the rebirth of Gearhead means a lot to me. I’m delighted and scared and nervous. I can’t wait to hold the finished magazine in my hands and breathe in that inky goodness. I hope you’re thinking the same thing and will go reserve a copy today! Keepin’ the rubber on the road, xo Rev. Michelle Only a couple days left to buy this totally offensive, but funny limited edition Gearhead® shirt! Based on this classic 70's photo of Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones sporting a "Who The Fuck is Mick Jagger?" shirt, this is a nod to the totally punk-rock roots of Gearhead. It will only be available through our campaign on, and once that ends, this shirt will never be printed again. So buy your limited edition Keith-inspired shirt today!
Asking for help is not easy for me. I’m pretty stubborn and pretty resilient. I come from a mix of Austrian resolve and Sicilian grit, and when I put my mind to something, I go for it, no matter what obstacles are in front of me. But I’ve learned these past few years no one is an island. We need other people to help us and to support us if we are going to achieve our goals. Asking for help is a way of letting others support us. So here it is: I need your help: Please VOTE FOR GEARHEAD by Oct. 3! I’ve applied for a grant to fuel the return of Gearhead®, but in order to move onto the next round of competition, I have to get at least 250 votes by Oct. 3! Lots of people have expressed interest in helping Gearhead, and this is one of the best ways at this point in time. To vote you have to have a Facebook account (sorry, there’s no way to vote without a Facebook account). Then simply click on this link to place your vote for Gearhead. I’m close to getting the votes I need and your vote could push me over the hill. My deepest gratitude goes to those of you who have already voted and shared the link with your friends and family, and my thanks to you who vote today. You are all part of the rebirth of this company, and together, I’m excited to see where Gearhead can go. So please, VOTE FOR GEARHEAD NOW! With Gratitude, Rev. Michelle |
December 2024